Calmer Llama/Smoosh NZ Sleeping Combo
Smoosh NZ
Smoosh NZ has teamed up with the lovely Calmer Llama Co. to bring to you our Sleeping Combo
Choose from one of Calmer Llamas Sprays - Sleepy Llama, Happy Llama , Calmer Llama paired together with our awesome and comfortable cotton spandex sensory sheet and our Llama night light. Spray away those bedtime blues and jump into the snug sheet with the subtle soft multi colour lighting llama to drift off to an amazing sleep.
1 x Calmer Llama Spray
1 x Calmer Llama Smoosh Sensory Sheet
1 x Calmer Llama Night Light
Essential Oils
As well as smelling amazing, essential oils can improve ones health & mood.
They've been around since forever & continue to be used in holistic healing practices,
It's not for everyone, though. Some people have allergies or conditions
which means they can not use certain oils.
During pregnancy - it has not been proven safe to use aromatherapy.
breast feeding - Avoid Peppermint oil as it may be expressed through breast milk.
high blood pressure & epilepsy - Avoid stimulants such as peppermint.
Pets - Never use essential oils on your pets.
Our Bliss Mists use a diluted concentration of essential oils, but please play safe!
If you are concerned about any conditions you have or medications that may interact with our sprays, have a chat with your doctor first.
Sensory Sheet
Compression sheet is a lightweight, super soft sheet that slips around your mattress to provide deep pressure therapy, throughout the night.
The Cotton/Spandex blended sheet can be used with or without additional bedding, allowing you to stay cool and secure throughout the night. Compression sheets use the same science behind weighted blankets but at a much lower cost and without the heavy layers.
Smoosh NZ Sheets provide what is known as Deep Touch Pressure or DTP by providing sensory input to your whole entire body without additional weight or heat. The sheet uses it's elasticity to create compression up to your shoulders much like being cuddled.
The compression from Smoosh NZ Compression sheet is designed to create gentle, distributed pressure across the body to calm your mind and senses and reduce movement. This type of therapy has been shown to lead to a calmer nights' sleep for those who struggle relax due to anxiety or other disorders. This compression sheet will be assured to stay on top of you during the night no matter how much you turn, making sure you enjoy the sensory benefits throughout the night. Minimum age is 3 years.
Made for NZ Size Mattress